Monday, July 18, 2016

Transform Update

My one word this year is transform. I wrote about this word, making a choice to begin Weight Watchers, and a yoga program back in January.

I began the year with a desire to transform some clutter, my writing, our finances, my health, and to continue to transform to be more like Jesus.

The clutter is still there.  (So glad I still have 5 months to go!!)

I have taken small steps toward working on my writing and will continue to do so.

We have made some changes in our finances and will continue.

I am continuing to transform to be more like Jesus.

As for my health, that is the main focus of this post.

As firmly as I made the choice to begin Weight Watchers and the yoga program.  I have made the choice to quit both. Very soon after starting the yoga program I realized I did not enjoy it.  I want more stretching and less isometric movements. And as for Weight Watchers, I have nothing negative to say about it, but nothing works if you don't work it......and I didn't work it well. 

I have shared that I am an emotional eater. Food is my drug of choice.  I have shared struggles with health and eating. I have confessed that at times I binge eat.  I have on several occasions in the last few months. I recently took pictures of one particular binge, but deleted them days later....too embarrassed by what they showed.  I don't recall exactly why I binged on this particular day, I am sure I was feeling tired, tired of being tired, and tired of being sick.  I have dealt with one thing after another with my physical health since 2012.  This time was chronic issues with sinus, allergies, and asthma that were keeping from just about everything.  It is hard for me to not be all or nothing when it comes to eating well and working out.  Back to the binge, on this day I drove to the store and purchased 2 kinds of chips, 3 boxes of something sweet, a coke, and made a pb&j. (I did not eat everything and I covered what was left in the trash....that is an issue ya'll)  As I ate I watched a show about people weighing over 600 pounds.  
 Gari Meacham author of Truly Fed says, "This may seem extreme, but when we're deep in the throes of a binge, purge, or starvation cycle, common sense is lost, and we robotically cling to the bizarre behavior we hate. It's as though we lay the food on an altar-or countertop or table- and worship the momentary taste or the way it make us feel."

As I watched this show and lost my common sense I heard a woman's story that I could identify with.  She reminded me of myself.  Gari Meacham writes, "something in the past has pushed us toward our unhealthy relationships with food." 

I listened to their stories as I stuffed my frustrations with food a new light went off about my journey.

I need more help, more accountability, more Jesus, and  more self trust.

I need less excuses and less inconsistency.

When I tried out for Extreme Weight Loss I had to get introspective about my issues with food, in fact I made so much progress.

But, as health and emotional challenges came I did not know how to juggle it all. 

I have ended up gaining all the weight back. The first picture is in 2011, the second is yesterday 7-17-16.  There is a 4.5lb difference. I weigh more now than I did in 2011.  The heaviest I have ever been. 

 From a numbers perspective I am starting over, but from an emotional, mental, and spiritual perspective I have gained so much since trying out for the show in 2013 that with a little more introspection, a lot more accountability, and more prayer I know I will  transform my health in the last 5 months of this year and over the next year.

Realizing I need more help I have begun attending counseling sessions to help process food issues and as of today I start a year long coaching program with Precision Nutrition.  I can't wait to see where I am next July 18th. 

I began a page on social media after trying out for Extreme Weight Loss to hold myself accountable and meet others on this journey to health.  I have found that when I don't post much, I am not exercising as much or eating as well.  I also found myself feeling a little self-conscious about posting selfies, food, workouts ect....because this journey is not all about me!  It is the transforming work of Christ in me that keeps me fighting on this journey, but I also know that through the sharing of stories we can help each other. 

Whatever you addiction, issues, or struggle Jesus can bring healing.  


One Word.

One Year. 

All Things Through Christ.


  1. I believe in you! You got this gorgeous. My trick is truely eating seven 6oz small meals a day and working out, stretching & cardio at least 3-4 times a week. Weigh training for toning, 1-2 times per week. Eating smaller meals more often help detox the body and make it easier on your digestive system, which one adjusted to this eating pattern, you'll find you have more energy. I fell flat on my back dislocating my left hip while bowling last September, gaining about 40lbs. After lots of massage, good gym treatment and changing my eating habits...I have shed 30lbs. I have cut out pork, red meat and eat only chicken, turkey & fish. BREAD and pastries are loved....but, they are so hard to process in the body. So, unless chips, breads and pasta are gluten free, I don't buy them. A little trick I have found is if you buy and bring it home, these choices are what will start to become your new staples and routine. Now, these choices have to be life long the majority of the time. Of course I eat stuff from time to time, which are a little sinful and decadent...just know your limits. I love... to cook and entertain, but I cook and eat to live, not only live to eat anymore. You can have two beautiful little girls who I can tell are you're pride and joy!
    Peace out! ��

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Great job on 30lbs!!!!!! Thank you for your encouragement!!!


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