July has led to 3 different ideas about my focus for August, and as I have prayed I through the answer was be surrendered. I practically had a post all written, when I felt Jesus tug at my heart to change it. My focus for August is to be focused.
In July, even in June, I was focused, but it was on the wrong thing! At a recent event with Christine Caine she said "We are so stressed about being stressed"! This has been me lately. The more stressed I am the more OCD I feel, increasing my focus on the problems, and my stress about being stressed!
(I have been so focused on the stress I haven't even lost much weight, but I have faced my fear of the intimidating side of the gym....but that is another post!)
This month I need to adjust my focus. I recently finished reading Unstoppable by Christine Caine, she gently reminded me "Whatever I chose to focus on had my attention."
I need to widen the lens of my perception to see a bigger picture and not zero in on the problems.
My focal point needs to be Jesus and not the storms around me.
She continued to tug at my heart with "By looking at your circumstances through the lens of God's eternal truth rather than through the lens of your temporal circumstance, you won't allow external circumstances to steal your internal peace. Remember, the size of that dot is determined by the focus you give it, so magnify the Lord so you can see that God is bigger than the circumstance you face and is at work through it."
So this month let's be focused. Focus not on the stresses, not on the problems, not on the obstacles, not on the scale, but on the bigger picture, on the blessings, on the good things, on non scale victories, on progress, on what your learning, on the journey....on Jesus.