Thus far my words have been:
Each word the Lord has given me grows me, challenges me, and comforts me. My word for 2021 was release. In the blog post regarding my word I wrote:
I need to release things that I can't control.
I have to release stress that I tend to internalize and carry physically.
I need to release the words that are inside my heart and soul waiting to be written.
I need to release emotions and feelings.
I need to release my hold on things, so I can hold better things.
I need to release stress by working out.
I need to release anxiety by doing activities that fill my cup, my heart, and my soul.
I need to release the breaths I have been holding.
I need to release lies I have grabbed onto and grasp the truth.
I need to release my will for His will.
I have done alot of releasing in various ways professionally, personally, and spirtually. This is an action I need to continue to work on. Really most of my words are.
I have wrestled with what my word for 2022 should be. I am drawn toward one only to feel uncertain or think another one might be it. But, I finally feel, no I know, that the Lord is calling me to hope.
By nature in my flesh I am a worrier.
At times doubt about circumstances, my calling, my ability, and other things seems to
take up residence in my mind.
By nature I am passionate, usually in a postive sense of the word, but at times this can lead to my emotions ruling me. Sometimes this leads me on a roller-coaster ride instead of staying where my feet are.
At times my thinking can be less hopeful. Although looking on the bright side is my jam, I can find myself thinking negatively when stressed and overwhelmed.
A friend sent a devotion to me that included Psalm 62:5, "Let all that I am wait quietly before G-d, for my hope is in him."
The whole devotion spoke to me. I don't want worry, doubt, emotions, or negative thinking to get the last word. I want to remain rooted in my hope in Him.
I came across Proverbs 13:12 "Hope deffred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life."
This verse reminded me of my writing. While I have taken better strides towards writing, I certainly don't want to make my heart sick by deffering it. I want to finish what He has called me to write.
I hope for many things for 2022. I have expectations for myself in every area. I have things that I want to happen and there are things I don't want to happen. (I think we can all agree after 2020&2021!) If I try to accomplish any of these things or anticipate them without seeking G-d or out of worry, doubt, emotions, and negative thinking my soul will not be quiet nor calm and my hope will not be placed where it should be.
My hope is in Him. I want to tackle my desires for this year by waiting quietly before G-d. I want to follow His leading. Like Mary, who sat at His feet and got caught up in His presence. If I live from this posture than I can live out what He calls me to.
In the study Jesus & Women, by Krisit Mclelland, she says we need to "stare at G-d and glance at the world." I don't want to stare at the things around me and waver. I want to stare at G-d and hope.