27 days my friends of laying off the sweets!!!! Now, do not get me wrong, I am not sugar free, but I am not eating many things I binged on before. I bet you are wondering what......? Lets see, things like cookies, candy bars, icecream, cake.
I made it through Christmas easily and feel like it is still not as hard as I thought it would be. I almost grieved, ok not almost, I did grieve losing food when I made this choice. It has always been my source of comfort and validation and I was choosing to quit some of my favs. I have had moments in these past 27 days that I wanted something, but have not given in to what I call my abstinence. I have had more energy without so much sugar.
I do admit I have binged on other things and food needs to be laid down at the cross daily and I struggle with this. I need a food plan. What boundaries will I allow? Yet, I feel like my focus would be food, and that is what I do not want to focus on. Yet, we have to have food for life. Uggg....! I want to continue to to work on being healthy and work on trusting Jesus with my life. I have many times paid others to tell me what to do with my food plan. I have spent alot of money on weight loss programs. Just ask First Bank of David. Getting healthy is not just about the food plan though. Its about healing the pain, anger, sorrow, scars of the past. Letting them go. Its about allowing myself to feel something through instead of eat something through. Do you ever just let yourself feel? Its about trust in the Lord. Its about showing my kids that although I have sinned with gluttony, and used food as a drug, that there is forgiveness and healing. That if you work hard change can happen.
We talked about determination in Sunday school this morning....and perseverance to finish the race. It is about being determined to live the way God desires I live. Its about allowing Him to change me and mold me and use me. It is about doing the impossible with the possible God. What is impossible for you today? Remember Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!!!