Friday, April 3, 2015

Be Listening

"You're short on ears and long on mouth" - John Wayne

One word, one year.


Focusing on how I want to live....that is what this one word be means.  Each month as I have focused on something, I am finding it is usually something I need to improve on!!!

January's focus was to be present.
February was to be consistent.
March was to be still.  (I really like this one, my mind needs to remember to be still!!!)

All areas I need to continue to focus on being.

April's focus is to be listening. 

Listening to God.  Listening to the needs around me.  Listening to my family. Listening to words. Listening to music. Listening to my body. Listening to my trainer.  Listening to the quiet.

Be listening.

I tend to often to react to what my kids say and not listen.  I hear the first words that come out of their sweet mouths and react.

I found 2 quotes that at times sums up my parenting:

"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. " - Stephen R. Covey


"We talked for four hours. Well, I talked for four, and she listened for two" - Jarod Kintz

Often times my listening is blocked by distractions.... technology, my thoughts, my to do list. and even my own talking.

I don't want to miss something, because I am not listening.

So you have something to say to me April is the month to say it.

Be listening!!

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