Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Slowing Down

Summer is just around the corner. I can almost smell the sunscreen and sweaty kids. 

 I.  Am.  Ready.  Bring on summer!!! 

I will be ready for school to start too, just as much as I am for summer.  But for now summer is on my mind. 

I am that girl who loves each season of stuff as it comes, but is so ready for the next one to begin as the current season winds down. 

I thrive on routine, but love a break from it.

So, until my kids start fighting and repeatedly saying they are bored there is a lot of summerin' to do. 

Summer is for:
  • Sleeping late
  • Staying up late
  • Catching fire flies
  • Popsicles on the porch swing
  • Swimming, lots of swimming
  • Vacations
  • Cuddling
  • Saying yes, more than I say no
  • Daydreaming
  • Sun tea
  • Back porch sitting
  • Imaginations
  • Friends
  • Slowing down
  • Reading
  • Crafts 
You get the picture.

Its hard to do summer like this, when you always have to be somewhere.  

So.....I am taking a crossfit break.

I have imagined the blog post I would write celebrating my 1 year anniversary of being a crossfiter in July.  The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength I have gained is priceless.  The people I have met are inspiring.

However, that post is not going to happen.

I have been wrestling with this for quite sometime.  In my quest to chase (it's my one word for the year), God is calling me to not be so busy.  I just realized this week that includes crossfit. Honestly, I briefly thought maybe I just needed to go back to a gym for a season, but after fighting this through that is not the answer.

I need to be obedient and not be so busy.

I said in my letter to Chris Powell, God made me a little on the sensitive side with a flare of drama queen....this leads me to easily STRESS OUT!!  When the calendar it too full, I tend to get overwhelmed...and this...this is what my kids are learning.  I will pass down enough of my craziness to my kids. They don't need me to pass down lessons on how to stress out.

But, I still need to workout.

My coach at Kodiak Crossfit did say I could drop in on occasion, but for my crossfit break I decided to take on the challenge of doing Focus T25.  I plan on starting Monday 5-12-14, along with a couple of friends!

I am a little nervous about this change in exercise,  but I am thrilled to see what God does through my summer!

And I pray that He will help me be more intentional and really consider what I say yes to and no both this summer and when school starts again.  May the lessons I learn slowing down for the summer, carry over into the next season.

  All things through Christ!

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