Sunday, September 8, 2013

Another Crossfit Lesson

Kodiak CrossFit  provided me with another lesson last Wednesday.

 This was our workout.  I saw it posted the previous night.   I was a little anxious. Oh, my aching knees.  I am so slow...and this....this workout was for time.  And burpees......they are just all sorts of wrong.  

We will all be faced with challenges.  Are we going to face them and show up??

I prayed on the drive to the den (what we Kodiak's call our box).  I asked for strength, protection, and that I would make it through. I arrived mentally shaken, but I showed up.

I completed the warm-up and those burpees (mine are modified).  Who's idea was it to buy into September with burpees??  Then it was time to focus on the rounds...400m run, 10 burpee box jumps (mine were step ups), and 10 split snatches....all for 5 rounds for time.  I had a goal in mind for my time....40 minutes!

When faced with a trial start moving.

I grew "weaker" focusing on the to do list, but I began to take action.  I moved my body physically, focused on one task at time, and prayed more.  

My goal as I began was to run was at least 3 whole rounds, then I could run/walk if needed. 

Pay attention to your Breathing

Sometimes when are looking at a Goliath, all we can do is breath in and breath out.

Are you showing integrity during a challenge??

As I  made it through the rounds,  I wanted to quit. I remember running behind a building,  knowing I could walk and no one would see.  (a run/walk would have been acceptable to me here, I was past round 3, but I was learning a lesson).  I could also allow myself to become anxious over what I was pushing through, but I have heard that integrity is who you are when no one is looking?

Don't Quit!!! There are blessing on the other side!!

I completed round 4 and was given an out.  I could stop.  I had "permission" to not finish.  I did not want to feel like I gave up. My knees where "ok".  If I took the out, I knew I would regret it.   The clock had not reached my goal yet...there was hope.  My coach said you can finish, but you need to hurry....or something like I went.  Round 5....I ran/walked it and completed the other 39 minutes and 35 seconds. 

The blessings on the other side:  answered prayers, reminders that I can face and conquer Goliath's in my life, finishing what I started, my mind, my body, my emotions, my spirit all grew stronger.

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