Wednesday, February 13, 2013

James in 2013

I love how God works in my life.  He breaks through walls I build, gives me glimpses of why His timing is best, and weaves people into the fabric of my life to show me more of Himself. 

In my unworthiness, in my sin, He still chooses to use me. I find when Jesus wants to use me its usually to teach me something, help me  apply a lesson to my life, or to just show me He is in fact right where I am.

I have been attending a fabulous women’s community group at my church.  When I first attended, I was just trying it out. This is where God knocked down the first brick, and began His work in me, yet again. 

I don’t really make New Year’s resolutions, but I know that in 2013 God wants to teach me through James.  The book in the Bible and the study by Beth Moore. 

I was asked to write a monologue in regards to James and I know these are the goals for 2013,  based on what God taught me through  choosing to use me to pen some words on page:

1. Remember His faithfulness – this encourages me onward.

2. Let go, Prioritize His way-  life is full of precious moments, enjoy them, don’t rush past.  Read an extra story, do the extra bible study with my kids, play the game, and yes even let the bed go unmade. (Letting go of my to do list and is HARD!)

3. Fight with Him - When David picked up the stones to fight his giant, someone once told me they stood for God-Is-All-I-Need. When I face a giant in my life, He is all I need.

4. Instead of getting overwhelmed by life’s trials, breath through and allow them to produce perseverance.

5.  Let my faith have action. I want to demonstrate my faith through active obedience.

6. Work on taming my tongue.  I wrote this in the monologue:  “God uses my kids daily to mold me, teach me, and clean me up. Everyday being a mom is a God moment. I pray that for 2013 my tongue is more tame. That I am more gentle with my kids, more respectful of my husband. That I will not quench their spirits with my words, but will uplift them.”

7. To fill myself with Him.

When I wrote this monologue, it was based loosely on my life, not all parts are things I struggle with. But food has always been a battle and God gave me these words: “ Last night my flesh won over my desire to submit to God. Pleasure in the moment instead of pleasing God and saying no to a sinful desire. I wonder sometimes what other women struggle with. Are they like me and let a binge moment with food win over taking care of the temple that is their body? What desires do they wrestle with, that win over submitting to God? I know sometimes TV shows are a struggle, or books, movies. Maybe even too much wine or ex-boyfriends on face book. I know You created me with a desire and that desire is only filled through daily submission to you. You reminded me with this moment to fill myself with you and not anything else.”

8. Prayer. I believe in its power and its comfort. I love the peace praying brings.  I want to start a prayer journal for 2013.


No matter how many stones I pick up to fight giants this year, the first one is ALWAYS GOD!

God is all I need.

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